piñata. it was an excellent day today. here is why. i woke up feeling pretty sleepy but i dreamt about the beach and that seemed like a good sign. when i got to yoga there was a different instructor there for some reason and i was thinking hmm i wonder what this will be like. but it was great. we got out late and i thought, hmm i'm really going to have to rush to get to school and plan my morning lesson. boom. morning lesson cancelled.
with all the new free time i had i knew i had to make the best of it so i thought...and i thought...and i drank delicious coffee... and then it hit me. PINATA. then i thought hmm, i don't have any flour or any balloons. then i realized, OH MY there's a bakery just down the street that also sells party things. so off i went, sweaty from yoga, getting sweatier with each step, growing increasingly more excited about my idea until i reached the bakery. when i got there i found raw cashews. hooray number one in the bakery. next, i looked up flour (tepung) and asked the lady and she gave me some. hooray number two. then i thought, hmm i need to find balloons but i don't know what that word is. so i started miming blowing up a balloon. i must have done it three or four times. they just let me go on miming for a bit and then said, 'oh. balloon?' who knew. hooray number three. then i saw some box mix of flan and thought, hmm that will be perfect for a mexican dinner. hooray number four. i win.

papel picado. i still had another hour left before i really had to get in the shower and go to work and the piñata was drying so i thought, hmm this dinner is really going to need some decorations. PAPEL PICADO. so i got to work cutting and punching as fast as my stubby little fingers could work with a pair of crappy kid scissors i stole from the school (shhh). i didn't have much in the way of colored paper but then i thought, hmm maybe i can just color some notebook paper in green and yellow (i had some bluish/green graph paper and some peach colored paper already but it didn't seem colorful enough just the two of them).
okay, i know i'm talking way too much so just stop reading now. or keep listening to my awesome day. i went to school and the ice cream man was there so i bought an ice cream and didn't get any of it on my white shirt. i had my really dull class first but i got them to laugh and that was great. my second class was good as always and i was done for the day. yes. i went home and thought, hmm i have this s&b golden curry stuff i could use. oh but it's so quiet in here so i will go into my npr app and maybe just maybe they will have a new radiolab program. AND THEY DID. but i couldn't get it to play because my internet was being funny but we can forget about that, i'll listen to it later. so i made the curry. and it was so good. then i chatted with annie, nick and serena on the roof about things like skiing, whitney houston and cassava chips. now i'm here. okay i'm done. bye!