Wednesday, January 25, 2012

singapore: day 3

xin nian kuai le! 
happy chinese new year!  we started the morning off at ian's parents' house and nibbled 
on tasty little morsels of food and really good coffee.  sun was shining and it was good.
met ian's mom who is a jewelry designer.  can check it out her stuff here

love lettuce.  i mean love letters.  hahahahaha.  i spent this whole time thinking 
ian's dad was calling them love lettuce what with their interesting singaporean "r" 
pronunciation.  found out yesterday they are actually called love letters.  

an adorable miniature egg roll thing with shrimp bits in it

kueh lapis

after that we started visiting people.  this is at their dad's parents' house which is 
right behind their uncle's house.  ian, alex, shu hui and shu lin giving me the tour.

the backyard is big and open and filled with big toys like this.

ian's grandparents' house

what is this crazy plant?

so many good noodle dishes

oh and every time we went to a new house we gave the host two 
oranges (given with two hands) and then i think we got two more oranges 
when we left and the oranges just keep getting recycled and passed around.


mah jong with nicole, shu hui and alex.  

had a hard time remembering how to play but was given patience and help 
and won the practice round.  left the game before the real betting began.

 how amazing are these.

okay don't remember the name of this but it is some kind of nut that's been ground up 
with meat or fish i think.  the flavor is really strange, very earthy and pretty tasty. okay
this one i just found out is called buah keluak otah.

enjoying live music

i know there is a slight age gap but i seriously want to be this guy's girlfriend.  his name 
is ernesto.  he plays beautiful guitar and has a crazy intense gravelly voice.  i love him.

family friends' house

rachel and alex

last house of the evening.  i ate white bread, pecorino cheese, baguettes, 
chicken curry and loved every second of it.  then i wanted to take a nap.

 bye singapore.  i miss you already.  stop being 
so expensive so i can move there more easily.

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