Friday, January 6, 2012

day 9 & 10: lombok

day 9: december 31

my coral and shell collection. color coded of course.

i spent most of the morning by the pool then took a cab 
into senggigi to meet annie, john and maria for lunch

by this point my forehead had literally 
turned into leather so i had to bring out
my trusty scarves to the rescue.

lunch view


after lunch, we wandered around for a bit then headed back, showered
and went down to the beach for the new year's eve festivities.  most people
were celebrating in senggigi or bali so we had most of the beach to ourselves
and could see the fireworks from bali and from senggigi which was crazy.
hal, one of the employees at the hotel came and hung out with us.  they had
build two huge bonfires and lit many fireworks.  we soaked our feet in the 
warm water and rang in the new year indonesian island style.  happy new year!

hal. so nice and so friendly!

selamat tahun baru!!

 day 10: january 1

happy new year everyone!  we woke up to grey skies and rain.  lombok was clearly crying because it was our last day.  i spent some time at the beach and ate a huge cheeseburger and talked to guiyang on the phone.  packed up my stuff.  took a nap.  lounged about.  generally felt depressed because i had to leave lombok for palembang early the next morning.  the only picture i have from today is this one from annie's camera.  nick and serena weren't feeling well so they stayed back at the hotel but we went back out to cafe alberto's again.  YUM.  i had delicious fried fish, spaghetti al ragu and ice cream and espresso oh and a pineapple orange ginger drink.  tasty.  and oh so sad to be leaving food that tastes really good.
i love a good awkward picture

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