Thursday, June 28, 2012


Ol' Woman Uy, tending the flames.
Bangka III you are only a mere two weeks away.
Things are really on the upswing.  Is that even a saying?  I don't care.  Feeling good.  Here's why:
  1. Kurt is back in Indonesia!
  2. I have mastered the five minute cold shower.  Sometimes this means I can't dry off before I put my clothes on but that makes it all the more fun.
  3. I'm back in the spinning class (I took a break for awhile) and started my morning off with such hits as "I'm a Barbie Girl", "Boom Boom Boom Boom", and "YMCA" with a gaggle of middle aged Chinese men and women singing along while cycling.  On a related note, Tony Braxton "Unbreak My Heart" was the anthem for our yoga wind down yesterday.
  4. Serena started teaching an Italian cooking class at the Arya Duta Hotel and we are all taking it on Saturday.
  5. I've found a new love for glass painting and am getting more supplies today.
  6. Megan and I discovered a salon in walking distance to the school.  Oddly enough, it's located at a gas station but no matter, you can get an hour long head, neck and back massage for about $4 USD.  Can't beat that.
  7. I've watched 55 movies since I arrived in Palembang.  I don't know if that's depressing or awesome but I'm going to go with awesome.
  8. Tickets are booked for Bangka Island round three. 
  9. Next Friday is National Fried Chicken Day and I CANNOT WAIT.  We are getting buckets of fried chicken from KFC delivered to the school by Colonel Sanders himself.  I know this sounds absolutely disgusting and I know you know that Colonel Sanders won't be able to deliver it himself but don't judge me.  Okay fine judge me I don't care.  It's going to be disgusting and delicious at the same time.  I'll be sure to document it.
  10. In eleven weekends I will be inhaling a greasy and delicious In 'n Out burger with Julie.

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