Monday, April 9, 2012

pagar alam: no. 5 - rafting adventure

8:00am the final decision to change villas was made and we told the driver we had to move to another place before heading up to lahat for rafting.  gunung gare was the new place.  it didn't have the view or as much of the quirky charm but it was beautiful, clean and much nicer.  we dropped off our things and started the horrible drive to lahat.  i THINK it took about an hour.  maybe.  maybe half an hour.  maybe two hours, i have no idea because i thought i was going to be sick the entire time.  anggie was in the front seat vomiting into a bag which only made me feel worse.  the driver drove like a mad man.  he was trying to keep up with the rafting jeep in front of us and it was literally STOP GO STOP GO CURVE BREAK ACCELERATE over hills and hills of winding roads.  it was horrible.  annie said we looked green.  there were many times i almost vomited but luckily, i didn't.  once we arrived and stood on solid ground i began to feel better.  after some stretching, off we went for rafting!!  thanks to tika who helped book this trip for us, we went with the Pagar Alam Rafting group and were very please with how professional and organized they were and all the great pictures they snapped.  here are some of them.  i did not fall out of the boat but i nearly jumped out of it and took our guide with us when i discovered a huge spider inside the raft.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness they gave you life jackets and helmets. I was pretty worried when you said you were going. Haha. Did that old lady in the blue blazer go white water rafting too?
