Tuesday, October 11, 2011

traditional market and riverside restaurant

this is what tempeh looks like! after it is fermented, it is shaped and
rolled up in banana leaves. there is a place near our house that cuts
it up in strips and marinates it in a spicy sauce. it's delicious with rice.

beautiful fresh flowers. actually the only
fresh cut flowers i've seen here. they really
prefer fake flowers to the real stuff for some reason.

they really value cleanliness here.

the chickens are off to be slaughtered. homeslice in the
yellow shirt doesn't want anything to do with it.

as the british say, the buh-nauh-nuhs are lovely.

these pea things are enormous and i don't know what they are.

very typical food served here. it's very good but it's
usually room temperature. best to get it early in the day.

this guy was chopping up raw meat while
simultaneously smoking a cigarette and using his phone.
sorry i couldn't get an in action photo.

doesn't she look like the nicest lady ever?
i wish she was my godmother.

"ota ota" - basically like a fish ball but disguised as a tamale.

lovely annie picking out the mangoes. the ripe
ones are green here and they are really tasty.

lovely cecelia showing us all around
the market and picking out fruit for us.

"becak" - little pedicabs. they are a BLAST! also a
little scary when they are driving against on coming traffic
and in the case of an accident, you're the one in front.

after the market, cecelia and her husband took us
to a delicious noodle house for brunch. the coffee
was good and so was the food. like a good chinese
family, they are very good at feeding us.

soft boiled egg in a tea cup. with soy sauce.
bottoms up. it looks weird but it's good. trust me.

riverside restaurant (from left to right: anggie,
handoko (cecelia's husband), tom, nick, cecelia, neil)

coconut juice

something i found at the supermarket. it says it has
medicinal properties. it looks cool, doesn't it?

who knows.

my student dave and his sister's birthday party. his dad
owns a few restaurants in town. the little sister,
only four, was wearing three inch heels and strutting
around like a supermodel. she was cute but it was pretty disturbing.

the ampera bridge all lit up at night.

nick really getting into the karaoke.

kurt and anggie.

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